My Archives: October 2002

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Just thought I'd mention it....

Posted by gwonk @ 04:36 PM EST [Link]

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

I have an Archos Jukebox Studio 20 MP3 player. I'm now very happy with it, but at first I was dissapointed.

I bought it back in February from Amazon. I wanted to use it on a vacation. It arrived 2 days before I left and was defective. I didn't send it back immediately, waiting until after my vacation. What I didn't know at the time was Amazon's 15 day return policy. Anyway, I called Archos tech support and had to ship the device for repairs. It turned out that the built in battery charger did not work. The new one arrived several weeks later and its been working great since.

The player runs for 6 or more hours on a full charge. I can usually get a full day's work in on a single charge. I recomend buying some better headphones though. The pair that it comes with were uncomfortable and didn't sound very good. Copying songs onto the player could not be easier. Just plug it in. I use Windows 2000 and it detected and installed automatically. Over the last couple of months I have filled the player with almost 20G of music. Nice!

Later, I saw an article on slashdot about an opensource replacement firmware for the player. The project is RockBox. I downloaded and installed the program. I was impressed with the features. With the standard firmware I had problems with the music skipping. After upgrading I haven't noticed any playback issues at all.

I just upgraded to the latest release, version 1.4. Wow! If I were archos, I would replace my firmware with RockBox. If you have an Archos, you should use RockBox.

Posted by gwonk @ 01:51 PM EST [Link]

Monday, October 28, 2002

Border's Books and Music recently opened a new store in Norwalk. I have a mixed reaction about it. On one hand, I like the music section. They have listening stations all over. You can scan almost any CD's UPC and listen to selections from the album. It's great. OTOH, the computer science section is a bit light.

Anyway, I bought a bunch of CD's. The new, 2CD, David Bowie greatest hits, couple albums by Sarah Brightman: "Eden" and "Time to Say Goodbye", Diana Krall "Live in Paris", Lynyrd Skynyrd "All Time Greatest Hits" and Rob Zombie's "American Made Music to Strip By". Yes, as a matter of fact I do have strange tastes in music. So far no complaints about any of them.

Posted by gwonk @ 01:38 PM EST [Link]

Sunday, October 27, 2002

Looks good, looks good, looks good!

Archives next!

Posted by gwonk @ 03:02 PM EST [Link]

Now we're getting somewhere. Next step is to look into the entry formats and to get the search results and archives cleaned up. I'm happy with the progress.

Posted by gwonk @ 12:09 AM EST [Link]

Saturday, October 26, 2002

Still working on migratting old links and content (not that I ever had much...) I'm using the BlueRobot CSS layout 3 completely stock. I like clean sites and this fits the bill.

It took about an hour of fiddling to integrate it with Greymatter. I would really like to have each days entries grouped within a box, but I haven't figured out how to get Greymatter and the CSS code to work together.

Posted by gwonk @ 09:52 PM EST [Link]

Thursday, October 24, 2002

Seems to be working ok. Now to work on the layout and formatting. [more]

Posted by gwonk @ 06:22 PM EST [Link]

This is a test of the greymatter blogger. This is only a test.

Posted by gwonk @ 05:07 PM EST [Link]

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